Joanna Slusky’s publications on pubmed
Joanna Slusky’s Google Scholar page
Manuscripts under review
- W. Franklin, J. Krise, J.J. Stevens, J.S.G. Slusky, Redesigning OmpA Loops Using Canonical Outer Membrane Protein Loop Structures. BioRXiv: 331546 [BioRXiv]
- Dhar, J.S.G. Slusky, Outer Membrane Protein Evolution, invited review for Current Opinion of Structural Biology (under review)
- J. Budiardjo, A.I. Ikujuni, E. Firlar, A. Cordova, J.T. Kaelber, J.S.G. Slusky, High yield preparation of outer-membrane protein efflux pumps by in vitro refolding is concentration dependent. BioRXiv: 296756. [BioRXiv]
- J. Budiardjo, J. Deay, A. Caulkins, V. Wimalasena, J.S. Biteen, J.S.G. Slusky, Colicin E1 Fragments Potentiate Antibiotics Through Occlusion of TolC. BioRxiv: 692251. [BioRXiv]
- Tan, S.K., Fong, K.P., Polizzi, N.F., Sternisha, A., Slusky, J.S.G., Yoon, K., Degrado, W.F., Bennett, J.S. “Modulating Integrin αIIbβ3 Activity through Mutagenesis of Allosterically Regulated Inter-subunit Contacts” Biochemistry 58, 3251−3259 (2019) [Biochemistry]
- W. Franklin, S. N. Nepomnyachiy, R. Feehan, N. Ben-Tal, R. Kolodny, J.S.G. Slusky. “Evolutionary pathways of repeat protein topology in bacterial outer membrane proteins” eLife (2018) [eLife] [eLife Insight]
- M.W. Franklin, S. N. Nepomnyachiy, R. Feehan, N. Ben-Tal, R. Kolodny, J.S.G. Slusky. “Efflux Pumps Represent Possible Evolutionary Convergence onto the Beta Barrel Fold” Structure (2018) [Structure] [very good by F1000] [cover image Sept 2018]
- M.W. Franklin, J.S.G. Slusky. ”Tight Turns of Outer Membrane Beta-Barrels: An Analysis of Sequence, Structure, and Hydrogen Bonding” Journal of Molecular Biology (2018) [JMB]
- Slusky, J.S.G. “Outer membrane protein design.” Current Opinion in Structural Biology (2017). [CurrOpStructBio]
- Kim, S., Patel, D. S., Park, S., Slusky, J., Klauda, J. B., Widmalm, G., & Im, W.. Bilayer Properties of Lipid A from Various Gram-Negative Bacteria. Biophysical Journal (2016). [BJ]
- P. Lloris-Garcerá, S. Seppälä, J.S.G. Slusky, M. Rapp, G. von Heijne. “Why Have Small Multidrug Resistance Proteins Not Evolved into Fused, Internally Duplicated Structures?” Journal of Molecular Biology (2014) [JMB]
- J.S.G. Slusky* and R.L. Dunbrack. “Charge asymmetry in proteins of the outer membrane.” Bioinformatics 29 (2013). *corresponding author [Bioinformatics]
- P. Lloris-Garcerá, J.S.G. Slusky, S. Seppälä, M. Prieß, L. V. Schäfer, G.von Heijne. “In vivo Trp-scanning of the Small Multidrug Resistance protein EmrE confirms anti-parallel 3D structure models.” Journal of Molecular Biology (2013). [JMB]
- P. Lloris-Garcerá, F. Bianchi, J.S.G. Slusky, S. Seppälä, D.O. Daley, G.von Heijne. “Antiparallel dimers of the small multidrug-resistance protein EmrE are more stable than parallel dimers.” Journal of Biological Chemistry 287, (2012). [JBC]
- S.E. Dutton, E.D. Hanson, C.L. Broholm, J.S. Slusky, R.J Cava. “Magnetic properties of hole-doped SCGO, SrCr(8)Ga(4-x)M(x)O(19) (M=Zn, Mg, Cu).” Journal of physics–Condensed matter, 23, (2011). [JoP:CM]
- S. Seppälä, J.S. Slusky, P. Lloris-Garcerá, M. Rapp, G.von Heijne. “Control of membrane protein topology by a single C-terminal residue.” Science 328,(2010). [Science]
- J.S. Slusky, H. Yin, W.F. DeGrado “Understanding membrane proteins: How to design inhibitors of transmembrane protein-protein interactions.” Protein Engineering(C. Köehrer, U.L. RajBhandary; Ed.), Springer Verlag, 22, 315-338 (2009). [Springer]
- H. Yin*, J.S. Slusky*, B.W. Berger, R.S. Walters, G. Vilaire, R.I. Litvinov, J. D. Lear, G.A. Caputo, J.S. Bennett, W.F. DeGrado. “Computational Design of Peptides that Target Transmembrane Helices” Science315, (2007).*co-first authors [Science]
- J. Snyder, B.G Ueland, J.S. Slusky, H. Karunadasa, R.J.Cava, P. Schiffer. “Low-temperature spin freezing in the Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice.” Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 69, (2004). [PRB]
- J. Snyder, B.G. Ueland, A. Mizel, J.S. Slusky, H. Karunadasa, R.J. Cava, P. Schiffer. “Quantum and thermal spin relaxation in the diluted spin ice Dy2-xMxTi2O7 (M=Lu,Y).” Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70, (2004). [PRB]
- T.W. Heitmann, S.D. Bu, D.H. Kim., J.H. Choi, J. Giencke, C.B. Eom, K.A. Regan, N. Rogado, M.A. Hayward, T. He, J.S. Slusky, P. Khalifah, M. Haas, R.J. Cava, D.C. Larbalestier, M.S. Rzchowski. “MgB2 energy gap determination by scanning tunnelling spectroscopy.” Superconductor Science & Technology: Suppl S. 17, (2004). [SS&T]
- J. Snyder, B.G. Ueland, J.S. Slusky, H. Karunadasa, R.J.Cava, A. Mizel, P. Schiffer, “Quantum-classical reentrant relaxation crossover in Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice.” Physical Review Letters91,(2003). [PRL]
- J. Snyder, J.S. Slusky, R.J. Cava, P.Schiffer, “Dirty spin ice: The effect of dilution on spin freezing in Dy2Ti2O7.” Physical Review B: Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 66,(2002). [PRB]
- J. S. Slusky, N. Rogado, K. A. Regan, M. A. Hayward, P. Khalifah, T. He, Inumaru, S. M. Loureiro, M. K. Haas, H. W. Zandbergen, R. J. Cava. “Loss of superconductivity with the addition of Al to MgB2 and a structural transition in Mg1-xAlxB2.” Nature 410, (2001). [Nature]
- J. Snyder, J.S. Slusky, R.J. Cava, P. Schiffer. “How ‘spin ice’ freezes.” Nature 413, (2001). [Nature]
- D.C. Larbalestier, L.D. Coolye, M.O. Rikel, A.A. Polyanskii, J. Jiang, S. Patnaik, X.Y. Cai, D.M. Feldmann, A Gurevich, AA Squirieri, M.T. Naus, C. B. Eom, E.E. Hellstrom, R. J. Cava, K. A. Regan, N. Rogado, M.A. Hayward, T. He, J.S. Slusky, P. Khalifah, K. Inumaru, M. Haas. “Strongly linked current flow in polycrystalline forms of the superconductor MgB2.” Nature 410, (2001). [Nature]
- C.B. Eom, M.K. Lee, J.H. Choi, L. Belenky, X. Song, L.D. Cooley, M.T. Naus, S. Patnaik, J. Jiang, M. Rikel, A. Polyanskii, A. Gurevich, X.Y. Cai, S.D. Bu, S.E. Babcock, E.E. Hellstrom, D.C. Larbalestier, N. Rogado, K.A. Regan, M.A. Hayward, T. He, J.S. Slusky, K. Inumaru, M.K. Haas, R.J. Cava. “High critical current density and enhanced irreversibility field in superconducting MgB2 thin films.” Nature 411, (2001). [Nature]
- T. He, Q. Huang, A.P. Ramirez, Y. Wang, K.A. Regan, N. Rogado, M.A. Hayward, M.K. Haas, J.S. Slusky, K. Inumara, H.W. Zandbergen, N.P. Ong, and R.J. Cava. “Superconductivity in the non-oxide perovskite MgCNi3.” Nature411 (2001). [Nature]
- T. Yildirium, O. Gulseren, J.W. Lynn, C.M. Brown, T.J. Udovic, Q. Huang, N. Rogado, K.A. Regan, M.A. Hayward, J.S. Slusky, T.He, M.K. Haas, P. Kalifah, K. Inumaru, and R.J. Cava. “Giant anharmonicity and nonlinear electron-phonon coupling in MgB2: a combined first-principles calculation and neutron scattering study.” Physical Review Letters 87, (2001). [PRL]
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